
1. 总则

1.1 微动景网站(we.taagoo.com)的所有权和运营权归北京大国慧谷科技股份有限公司所有。

1.2 用户在使用本网站的服务之前,应当仔细阅读本协议,并同意遵守本协议及所有网站规则后方可成为微动景用户,一旦用户注册成功,则用户与本网站之间自动形成协议关系,用户应当受本协议及所有网站规则的约束。用户在使用特殊的服务或产品时,应当同意接受相关协议后方能使用。

1.3 本协议、网站规则可由本网站随时更新,用户在使用微动景时应当及时关注,用户同意本网站不承担通知义务。本网站的通知、公告、声明或其它类似内容是本协议及网站规则的一部分。

2. 服务内容

2.1 本网站网络服务的具体内容由本网站根据实际情况提供,例如论坛、博客、相册、分类信息等。

2.2 本网站仅提供相关的网络服务,除此之外与相关网络服务有关的设备(如个人电脑、手机、及其他与接入互联网或移动网有关的装置)及所需的费用(如为接入互联网而支付的电话费及上网费、为使用移动网而支付的手机费)均应由用户承担。

2.3 请了解,在未经用户同意及确认之前,本网站不会将用户为参加本网站之特定活动所提供的资料利用于其它目的。惟按在下列第五条规定应政府及法律要求披露时不在此限。

3. 用户帐号

3.1 经本网站注册系统完成注册程序的用户即为本网站的正式用户。

3.2 用户只能使用汉字、英文字母、数字及它们的组合,且最多不超过16个字符(8个汉字)注册,禁止使用空格、各种符号和特殊字符,否则本网站将不予注册并有权删除。

3.3 如发现用户帐号中含有不雅文字或不恰当名称的,本网站保留取消其用户资格的权利。

3.3.1 请勿以党和国家领导人或其他社会名人的真实姓名、字号、艺名、笔名注册;

3.3.2 请勿以国家机构或其他机构的名称注册;

3.3.3 请勿注册不文明、不健康名字,或包含歧视、侮辱、猥亵类词语的帐号;

3.3.4 请勿注册易产生歧义、引起他人误解或其它不符合法律规定的帐号。

3.4 用户帐号的所有权归本网站,用户仅享有使用权。3个月未使用的用户帐号,本网站保留收回的权利。

3.5 用户有义务保证密码和帐号的安全,用户利用该密码和帐号所进行的一切活动引起的任何损失或损害,由用户自行承担全部责任,本网站不承担任何责任。如用户发现帐号遭到未授权的使用或发生其他任何安全问题,应立即修改帐号密码并妥善保管,如有必要,请通知本网站。因黑客行为或用户的保管疏忽导致帐号非法使用,本网站不承担任何责任。

3.6 使用者非个人化信息


3.7 个人资料

3.7.1 当用户在微动景网站进行用户注册登记、参加网上或公共论坛等各种活动时,在用户的同意及确认下,本网站将通过注册表格等形式要求用户提供一些个人资料。

3.7.2 资料包括:


个人背景: 职业、教育程度、收入状况、婚姻、家庭状况。

4. 使用规则

4.1 遵守中华人民共和国相关法律法规,包括但不限于《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》、《最高人民法院关于审理涉及计算机网络著作权纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释(法释[2004]1号)》、《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》、《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》、《互联网新闻信息服务管理规定》、《互联网著作权行政保护办法》和《信息网络传播权保护条例》等有关计算机互联网规定和知识产权的法律和法规、实施办法。

4.2 用户对其自行发表、上传或传送的内容负全部责任,所有用户不得在本网站任何页面发布、转载、传送含有下列内容之一的信息,否则本网站有权自行处理并不通知用户:

4.2.1 违反宪法确定的基本原则的;

4.2.2 危害国家安全,泄漏国家机密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;

4.2.3 损害国家荣誉和利益的;

4.2.4 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;

4.2.5 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;

4.2.6 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

4.2.7 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;

4.2.8 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

4.2.9 煽动非法集会、结社、游行、示威、聚众扰乱社会秩序的;

4.2.10 以非法民间组织名义活动的;

4.2.11 含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。

4.3 用户承诺对其发表或者上传于本网站的所有信息(即属于《中华人民共和国著作权法》规定的作品,包括但不限于文字、图片、音乐、电影、表演和录音录像制品和电脑程序等)均享有完整的知识产权,或者已经得到相关权利人的合法授权;如用户违反本条规定造成本网站被第三人索赔的,用户应全额补偿本网站一切费用(包括但不限于各种赔偿费、诉讼代理费及为此支出的其它合理费用);

4.4 当第三方认为用户发表或者上传于本网站的信息侵犯其权利,并根据《信息网络传播权保护条例》或者相关法律规定向本网站发送权利通知书时,用户同意本网站可以自行判断决定删除涉嫌侵权信息,除非用户提交书面证据材料排除侵权的可能性,本网站将不会自动恢复上述删除的信息;

4.4.1 不得为任何非法目的而使用网络服务系统;

4.4.2 遵守所有与网络服务有关的网络协议、规定和程序;

4.4.3 不得利用本网站服务进行任何可能对互联网的正常运转造成不利影响的行为;

4.4.4 不得利用本网站服务进行任何不利于本网站的行为。

4.5 如用户在使用网络服务时违反上述任何规定,本网站有权要求用户改正或直接采取一切必要的措施(包括但不限于删除用户张贴的内容、暂停或终止用户使用网络服务的权利)以减轻用户不当行为而造成的影响。

5. 隐私保护

5.1 本网站不对外公开或向第三方提供单个用户的注册资料及用户在使用网络服务时存储在本网站的非公开内容,但下列情况除外:

5.1.1 事先获得用户的明确授权;

5.1.2 根据有关的法律法规要求;

5.1.3 按照相关政府主管部门的要求;

5.1.4 为维护社会公众的利益。

5.2 本网站可能会与第三方合作向用户提供相关的网络服务,在此情况下,如该第三方同意承担与本网站同等的保护用户隐私的责任,则本网站有权将用户的注册资料等提供给该第三方。

5.3 在不透露单个用户隐私资料的前提下,本网站有权对整个用户数据库进行分析并对用户数据库进行商业上的利用。

6. 版权声明

6.1 本网站的文字、图片、音频、视频等版权均归本网站享有或本网站与作者共同享有,未经本网站许可,不得任意转载。

6.2 本网站特有的标识、版面设计、编排方式等版权均属本网站享有,未经本网站许可,不得任意复制或转载。

6.3 使用本网站的任何内容均应注明"来源于微动景网站(we.taagoo.com)"及署上作者姓名,按法律规定需要支付稿酬的,应当通知本网站及作者及支付稿酬,并独立承担一切法律责任。

6.4 本网站享有所有作品用于其它用途的权利,包括但不限于网站、APP、电子杂志、平面出版等媒体。如果作品直接用于商业用途,网站会以积分方式或其它价值方式,进行稿酬的支付,积分可以在本站内进行消费,并兑换出所提供出的实物奖品。

6.5 本网站所有内容仅代表作者自己的立场和观点,与本网站无关,由作者本人承担一切法律责任。

6.6 本网站所有全景图片和文字严禁非法复制和使用,否则承担一切法律责任,且本网站保留将其诉讼法律的权利。

7. 免责声明

7.1 用户明确同意其使用本网站网络服务所存在的风险及一切后果将完全由用户本人承担,本网站对此不承担任何责任。

7.2 本网站无法保证网络服务一定能满足用户的要求,也不保证网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性。

7.3 本网站不保证为方便用户而设置的外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该等外部链接指向的不由本网站实际控制的任何网页上的内容,本网站不承担任何责任。

7.4 对于因不可抗力或本网站不能控制的原因造成的网络服务中断或其它缺陷,本网站不承担任何责任,但将尽力减少因此而给用户造成的损失和影响。

7.5 对于本网站向用户提供的下列产品或者服务的质量缺陷本身及其引发的任何损失,本网站无需承担任何责任:

7.5.1 本网站向用户免费提供的各项网络服务;

7.5.2 本网站向用户赠送的任何产品或者服务;

7.5.3 本网站向收费网络服务用户附赠的各种产品或者服务。

7.6 本网站有权于任何时间暂时或永久修改或终止本服务(或其任何部分),而无论其通知与否,本网站对用户和任何第三人均无需承担任何责任。

7.7 微动景站内资源部分来源于网友上传分享,图片版权归原作者所有。用户不应该上传其他受版权保护的内容。用户在微动景发布侵犯他人知识产权或其他合法权益的内容,微动景有权予以删除,并保留移交司法机关处理的权力。本站不承担用户因使用这些资源对自己和他人造成任何形式的损失或伤害。

7.8 互联网是一个开放平台,用户将图片等资料上传到互联网上,有可能会被其他组织或个人复制、转载、擅改或做其它非法用途,用户必须充分意识此类风险的存在。用户明确同意其使用微动景服务所存在的风险将完全由其自己承担;因其使用微动景服务而产生的一切后果也由其自己承担,微动景对用户不承担任何责任。

7.9 如果用户认为微动景的任何内容或作品侵犯用户的著作权、商标权或其他合法权利的,请用户通过以下联系方式提出投诉并提供相关证据(包括用户的身份证明和用户对争议内容有合法所有权或授权的证明等),微动景会尽快采取相应措施。



Wetaagoo Website Service Agreement


1. General Provisions

1.1 Beijing Taagoo Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the ownership and operation right of Wetaagoo website.

1.2 Before becoming Wetaagoo users and using this website service, users shall fully read, abide by the whole content of this agreement. For once registering successfully, users shall be bound by this agreement and all site rules. When using particular service or product, users shall accept relevant agreement.

1.3 The agreement and site rules can be updated at any time by Wetaagoo, users shall pay attention and agree that this website doesn’t assume the obligation to inform. The notification, announcement, statement or other similar content is a part of this agreement and site rules.


2. Service Content

2.1 The website service content provided by this website is according to the actual situation, such as forums, blogs, photo albums, classified information etc.

2.2 This website only provides network service concerned, the equipment (as PC, mobile phone and other devices related to access to Internet or mobile network) and costs (as the telephone and network charges for access to Internet, the mobile phone charges for using mobile network) related to website service shall be assumed by users.

2.3 Please understand that without the user's prior consent and confirmation, this site will not use users’ information for other purposes, provided when participating in specific activities on this website. Only according to the following fifth provision, the information will be disclosed as the request of government and law.


3. User Account

3.1 Users who complete registration procedure through this site’s registration system are the formal users of this site.

3.2 Users can only use Chinese characters, English letters, numbers and combinations of them to register that no more than 16 characters (8 Chinese characters), prohibit using space, symbols, and special characters, otherwise this account will not be registered and the site has the right to delete.

3.3 If the user account contains indecent language or inappropriate name, this site reserves the right to cancel the user qualification.

3.3.1 Do not register with real names, characters, stage name, pen name of the party and State leaders or other social celebrities;

3.3.2 Do not register with name of State institutions or other institutions;

3.3.3 Do not register with uncivil and unhealthy name, or discriminations, insults, obscene words;

3.3.4 Do not register ambiguous, provoke misunderstanding or other account that does not comply with the law.

3.4 Users shall enjoy the right of using your account only, this site reserves the ownership of users’ account and reserves the right of recovering the accounts unused for 3 months.

3.5 User has the obligation to ensure the security of the password and account, any loss or damage arising from all activities by using the passport and account, users shall take full responsibilities, this site does not assume any responsibility. If found unauthorized use of the account or any other security problems, you should immediately change your account password and keep it in safe, if necessary, please notify this site. Illegal use of account due to hacking or users’ negligence, this website does not assume any responsibility.

3.6 Non-personal Information of Users

We will collect non-personal information through users’ IP address to optimize the pages displayed on user's computer, such as the browser properties, operating system type, ISP domain name for access to service. By collecting the above information, we also statistics website traffic, so as to improve the management and service of this site.

3.7 Personal Data

3.7.1 When user registers, participates online or public forums and other activities on Wetaagoo website, the site requires users to provide some personal information through registration forms and other forms with the user's consent and confirmation.

3.7.2 Information Include:

Personally identifiable information: such as name, gender, age, date of birth, ID card number (or passport number), phone number, mailing address, residential address, e-mail address, etc.

Personal background: occupation, education, income, marital and family status.


4. Use Rules

4.1 Abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, including but not limited to the following laws, regulations and implementation measures, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Safety Protection of Computer Information Systems and the Regulations on Protection of Computer Software and the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases Involving Disputes over Computer Network Copyright Law Applicable to Interpretations (method release [2004]1) and the Decision of the National People's Congress Standing Committee on Safeguarding Internet Security and the Administration of Internet Electronic Messaging Services Provisions, the Administration of Internet News Information Services Provisions and the Measures for the Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright and the Regulations on the Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information About the Computer, etc., which are related to the Internet regulations and intellectual property.

4.2 User shall take full responsibility for the content which published, uploaded and transferred by yourself, all users shall not publish, reprint or transmit any of the following information and content, otherwise the website shall have the right to handle it without notifying the users.

4.2.1 That is against the general principles established in the Constitution;

4.2.2 That may jeopardize the national security, disclose national secrets, overthrow the state power, or destroy the national unity;

4.2.3 That jeopardizes the national honor and interests;

4.2.4 That stirs up hatred and discrimination among nationalities and destroys the unity of nationalities;

4.2.5 That destroys national religion policies and advocates cults and superstitions;

4.2.6 That is to spread rumors, disturb the social order and destroy the social stability;

4.2.7 That is to distribute obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or to encourage crimes;

4.2.8 That insults or slanders others and infringes other people’s lawful rights and interests;

4.2.9 That incites unlawful assembly, association and demonstrations, and disturbs the social order;

4.2.10 That organizes activities in the name of an illegal non-governmental organization;

4.2.11 That contains other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4.3 All information that the user has promised to publish or upload to the site (That is, the works under the copyright law of the People's Republic of China, including but not limited to text, images, music, movies, performances, audio and video products and computer programs, etc.) are entitled to complete intellectual property rights, or has been authorized by the relevant rights; If the site is claimed by the third party due to user violating this provision, users should fully compensate for all costs of the site (including but not limited to all kinds of damage, agency fee and other reasonable expenses);

4.4 When the third party considers that the information user published or uploaded on the website infringes his rights, and send notice of rights to this website in accordance with the "Regulations on the Protection of the Right to the Dissemination of Information Networks" or the relevant laws and regulations, user agrees that this website can self-determined to delete the alleged infringing information, unless the user submits written evidence to exclude the possibility of infringement, this site will not automatically recover the deleted information.

4.4.1 Do not use network service system for any illegal purpose;

4.4.2 Comply with all network protocols, regulations and procedures relating to network services;

4.4.3 Do not use this website service to conduct any acts that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet;

4.4.4 Do not use this site’s service to conduct any activities that are not conducive to the site.

4.5 If the user violates any of the above provisions when using the network service, this website has the right to require the user to correct or take all directly necessary measures (including but not limited to, delete user posted content, the right to suspend or terminate user to use network service) to mitigate the impact due to user misconduct.


5. Privacy Protection

5.1 This website does not provide single user registration information or non-public content stored on the site when the user is using the network service to the public or third parties, except in the following cases:

5.1.1 Prior access to the user's explicit authorization;

5.1.2 According to the relevant legal and regulatory requirements;

5.1.3 In accordance with the requirements of the relevant government departments;

5.1.4 In order to safeguard the interests of the public.

5.2 The website may cooperate with third parties to provide users relevant network service, in this case, if the third party agrees to assume the same responsibility to protect the privacy of the user, the website has the right to provide the registration information to the third party.

5.3 Without revealing the privacy of individual users, the website has the right to analyze the entire user database and make commercial use of the user database.


6. Copyright Notice

6.1 The website’s texts, images, audios, videos and other copyrights are the properties of this website or shared with the authors, without the permission of this website, shall not be reproduced arbitrarily.

6.2 The website’s unique identification, design, layout, copyright belong to this website, anyone shall not be copy or reproduce without permission of the website.

6.3 Using any content of this website shall be marked "from Wetaagoo website (we.taagoo.com)" and the author's name, if need paying royalties according to the law, user shall notify the site and the author and pay the royalties, and bear all legal liabilities independently.

6.4 This website has the right to use all the works for other purposes, including but not limited to websites, APP, electronic magazines, print publications and other media. If the work is for commercial use, the site will pay the royalties in either score or other value form, points can be consumed in this website, exchange for the real prize.

6.5 All content on this site is only on behalf of the author's own position and view, which has nothing to do with the site, the author assumes all legal liabilities.

6.6 This site strictly prohibit to copy and use all panoramic images and texts, otherwise bear all legal responsibilities, the site retains the right to resort to legal claims.


7. Disclaimer

7.1 User explicit consents that the risks when using the network service of this site and all consequences will be borne entirely by the user, this site does not assume any responsibility.

7.2 This site does not guarantee that the network service can meet the requirements of user and does not guarantee the timeliness, security, and accuracy of service.

7.3 This site does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links set up for the convenience of the user, this site doesn’t take any responsibility for the contents that come from external links and are not actually controlled by this site.

7.4 Due to force majeure or the reasons beyond the site’s control, network service is interrupted or has other defects, the website does not assume any responsibility, but efforts will be made to minimize the user’s loss and impact.

7.5 Any loss caused by the quality defect of the following products or services provided by this site, the website does not assume any responsibility:

7.5.1 Free network service provided to users by this site;

7.5.2 Any product or service given to users by this website.

7.5.3 All kinds of complimentary products or services provided to charging users by this site.

7.6 This website has the right to modify or terminate the service (or any part of it) temporarily or permanently at any time, whether notifying or not, the site does not bear any responsibility for the user and any third party.

7.7 Wetaagoo website resources partly come from users upload and sharing, images copyright belong to the original author. Users should not upload content protected by copyright. Wetaagoo has the right to delete the contents, infringing intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests, published by users and retains the power to be transferred to judicial organs. This site doesn’t bear any form of loss or injury for users or others when using the website’s resources.

7.8 Internet is an open platform, the pictures and other informations uploaded to the Internet by users may be copied, reprinted, tampered or for other illegal purposes by organizations or individuals, users must be fully aware of the existence of such risks. User explicit agree that the risk using Wetaagoo website service will be entirely borne by themselves; All the consequences arising from the use of Wetaagoo website also to their own commitment, Wetaagoo website does not assume any responsibility for the users.

7.9 If user considers any content or work of Wetaagoo website infringing the copyright, trademark or other legal rights of the user, please contact us through the following information and provide relevant evidence (including the user’s identification and the certificate that user has legal ownership or authority for the controversial content), the site will take appropriate measures as soon as possible. 

E-mail of Wetaagoo: service@taagoo.com